Hello friend, at the top you will find the nav bar - plz notice the contact your politician + Important sites - so cool. Now, please look to far right. See TABLE OF CONTENTS. Each category has many choice videos with some articles here and there. At the bottom do not miss the game and art selection.Enjoy

No auth from NATO, No auth from Senate or House, No auth from WE THE PEOPLE
for Syria intervention and that makes Obama a War Criminal

What's Up   -  Let's analyze Syria Events

Thank-You, Pres. Trump

Syria - civil war, US intervention and Baghdadi described

The Beginning Terror amongst the DEMs

See chart of criminals - how many will take the fall?

Remember when we thought we had him - oops!

Well, just a couple years later - gotcha   We all suspected Obama, but now it's confirmed!  But he wasn't a mastermind all my himself - no he had help - from who?

Who called it back in 2018?

See Obama vid on who he really is - WOW!

Dec 9 Horowitz Report will point to person who altered paperwork in support of the 2016 FISA warrant.  Are we talking about the Andrew McCabe altering?    Things will unfold probably like this - what?

Well, needless to say this was another complete waste of time and taxpayer money.  Trey Gowdy was so correct - great analysis!

Due to the utter sham, we can hope Durham and Barr will take action.

Who in charge of Spygate - spying on Trump? Who was pulling the Comey, Brennan etc strings?

Stop them from leaving! Stop the flight.  Children is a good reason to flee.  It’s no surprise that Adolph Hitler once said, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”

Governments don’t have your kids’ best interest at heart. Nobody does, except their parents. That’s one reason why God’s original plan, for mothers and fathers to raise their own children, has worked so well for millennia. But, for reasons beyond the scope of this article, society wants to toss all that out like a can of expired tuna.

Consequently, these days government and society have managed to make good parenting by actual parents more and more difficult. Oh, parents may still live with their kids, maybe have a catch or eat a bagged fast food dinner in front of the TV “together” once in a while, but the real influence is no longer being wielded by most parents.

No, the real influence lies with popular culture, public education, the media, government ... you name it. The kids do inevitably grow up, biologically at least. They are “raised” by someone, just not the people who love them the most. Then they go out into the real world and begin the cycle again with their own children. If you think young people can’t think for themselves now, just wait a generation or two!

So, in a world where everything is seemingly stacked against parents who want to raise their children with discipline, integrity, values, and a faith-based worldview, how can parents even begin to turn the tide? Here are a few good places to start.
Avoid Live Television Programming

Just a few weeks ago I made the mistake of letting the girls watch “Horton Hears a Who” on ABC Family. We were away from home and live TV was the only medium available. I had my doubts but hey, the kids were tired and it’s Horton hears a freaking Who, right? What could possibly go wrong?

Well, not two commercial breaks in comes a “heartwarming” advertisement about a brand-spanking-new ABC “Family” show about the hilarity and “warm fuzzies” that exude when a dad decides he wants to be a woman. Apparently, that sort of thing is what gets the creative juices flowing over at Disney these days. Come on guys, wasn’t "Hannah Montana" punishment enough?

Look, I get that transgender is the new black and all that (you know, "cause God makes mistakes"), but do my small children really need to be any more confused at this point than they already are? I’m having a hard enough time teaching them to change their underwear every day and not yell stuff like, “Dad, look at that HUGE woman over there!” in public without the networks shoving this kind of junk in front of their faces. (Hmm, it’s almost like there’s an agenda.)

When I can’t even sit and watch Jeopardy with my 7-year-old daughter without seeing a graphic Cialis commercial that, well, sparks more questions than answers I’m ready to give, we have a serious problem.

The answer is two-fold. First, eliminate or drastically reduce their time in front of the boob-tube. Second, if you do let your children watch TV, utilize services such as Netflix to eliminate commercials and gain knowledge and control over exactly what your children watch. Certainly, there is value to some programming, but parents should be the ones to make those decisions, not the networks or greedy, soulless advertisers.
Get Them Out of Public School
If Common Core or similar and ridiculous rules (the kind that suspends a child for shaping his school pastry suspiciously like a gun) aren’t enough, the fact that public schools have basically become government indoctrination centers should make you at least consider other educational options for your children.

To be sure, public schools are in better shape in some areas of the country than others, and I do understand and sympathize with parents who truly don’t have another option – but, if it’s at all manageable or possible, pulling your children from public schools and going either the private or homeschool route is, in my opinion, one of the best things you can do for them.

Ground Them in Your Faith
Whatever your faith is, grounding them in it will teach them that life is about something bigger than themselves, and that, while we should certainly obey earthly laws that don’t violate God’s Law, their true allegiance ultimately isn’t to some worldly government or system, but to the Creator of the universe.

Teach Them Respect
Respect seems to be sorely missing these days among our youth – respect for elders, for parents, for those in authority, for work, for God, and even for themselves as created beings with a purpose in this life. A human being with respect doesn’t look for any excuse to go out in the streets and smash stuff. He’s too busy, you know – working. The “how,” of course, leads to the next point.
Practice the Art of Consistent Discipline
I certainly believe properly administered corporal punishment is a great tool in a parent’s toolbox, but regardless of whether or not you choose to spank your children, consistent, loving, effective discipline is absolutely necessary for a child’s overall upbringing. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and stick to the consequences you’ve laid out. Your children may not like it now, but when they’re 32 with kids of their own, they’ll thank you for it.

I realize it’s not possible to shelter our children from every possible influence this world seeks to bring, but as parents we need to assert our God-given right and duty as protectors and instructors, to mold and shape them according to our values. Remember, while others certainly want a piece of our children, God wants and loves them most of all. If we’ve done our job right, when they leave our care they’ll have the grounding it takes to stand on their own two feet and not only be a productive member of society, but change it for the better.

Dangerous Sanctuary cities and States are another reason to leave.

Texas is a leader, why not follow?  Pres. Trump is reaching out to the Hispanics.  His outreach to the Hispanic community was further aided by the early creation and staffing of eight grassroots engagement centers by the Republican Party of Texas. Located throughout the state, each with a fulltime field and engagement staff, the effort began in 2013 and was partially funded by the Republican National Committee.  Is Pres. Trump winning over the Latin voter?

Are you familiar with the term Chain Migration?  No?  Get info HERE
If you're poor, Texas is a high tax state.

stop the exodus - Parents think of your children

 stop playing impeachment game - we all see it's just a distraction 

Look at the dates - why is action taking so long? It's time some should be running to airport.

2018  --   documents not submitted

2019 --  Grassley asking for docs again

If requests for docs is ignored, why respond to any Gov. investigation - it's a joke.

Call to action - all of us citizens need to send emails, make phone calls to DOJ demanding compliance.  Any smashing of phone, bleaching servers, shredding of paperwork = immediate jail time - judge needed to sentence only.

Send email to Grassley for not giving up - big THANK-YOU.  Look at above nav bar - click to get fast/easy contact info for Bar and Grassley.

This song pretty much tells us why - what's taking so long . . .

This is what makes us so angry - Boom


             Stand with Kevin McCarthy - join the Take Back the House movement

Grassley is a bulldog - If can't get her on Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House -Part II

If public schools weren't so bad this conversation wouldn't be so important!
 another choice

Trump plan

School Vouchers should have been passed long ago

We've been waiting since Aug, 2017 - DEMs are too full of TDD = Trump delusional disorder

GOP Infrastructure Plan that should have been passed long ago

  DEMS too busy playing with impeachment fantasy

USA Mexico Canada trade deal to replace NAFTA needs to get passed - now ignored

Gov Shutdown - bc toddler DEMs?Commies playing with themselves?

Does this sound familiar?  What if Biden was overspending to break us?

Which country would he like to takeover?

The one who gives him the best deal, right?

Or is it their Puppet Master - the one we allow to stay?

Speaking of money and spending, Soros could break us another way pushed by another Billionaire that Soros admires (Rothchild) . . .

"[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.

They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.

They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.

After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call "Social Insurance". Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly.

The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."

2021 Budget needs to get passed - House not paying attention - Gov shutdown?

We must start at the GOP Maine Primary - who could have run against her?

To replace Susan Collins Lisa Keim, husband and 3 kids might want to take the journey, who knows?  Tomi Lahren should think about moving to Maine and running, right?

Do you agree that all contenders need townhall speaking skills?  Listen up.  

Ronna needs
to make sure this happens in each state, with each contender, right?  see video

Pres. Trump needs people who will stand with him, NOT against. He has enough DEM haters to deal with and doesn't need GOP squabbling.  Of course debate the issues, but never never never let Trump opposition hit the media and in the end form a solidarity shield behind the Pres.  Help him weed out haters that are close and like to leak false info.

More Republican Senators got to go list - vote them out:  
  • Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
  • Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
  • Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
  • Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
  • Sen. Lisa Murkowksi (R-AK)

  • For bad behavior, maybe not giving them any RNC support will help with the changeover to someone fresh and supportive.  The next Pres. of course  likes debate, but in the end he'll want strong, real support.  Most of this list will be in office until 2024, so Pres. Trump will have to deal.  The next Pres. can try to make a changeover happen.
Hat for the Preakness Stakes horse race Pimlico

Hat to attend Pres. 4th of July Salute to America celebration/parade

Thirty-four of the 100 Senate seats are up for reelection in 2020.  There are 45 Democrat Senators, but not all are up for reelection.  12 Dems are up - which ones?    If they do not know the art of compromise and negotiation, they must go.  Plus, some do not have GOP contenders, so will need another method to oust.  We should be able to grab a couple more seats - hit on bread-and-butter topics.  I’d hammer each state with infrastructure bill not compromised or negotiated.  Also, hammer the school voucher program that's so badly needed and being ignored by DEMs.  Hammer in DEM city filth and opioids, DEM obstruction and DEM city cop haters making cities dangerous, not to mention turn-in-your gun requirement that has NOT proved to be an effective killing solution.  Cops can't come fast enough and without a gun you're at the criminal's mercy.  Society is not safer without guns.

add white & red stars and go to church - awesome!

There are 435 House members:  235 Democrats  197 Republicans  1 independent.  All up for vote in 2020.

We must stay vigilant.   Anybody, who votes to pass any of the grounds for impeachment must go = get voted out or ousted.    interesting tid-bit    We the people voted for Pres. Trump and we're not the least bit amused with DEM impeachment antics.  Everything the house does undermines our vote and we're sick of house constant bombardment of BS and we're so angry that our tax dollars are paying for DEM tantrums.  
Republican Party Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel (niece of Senator Mitt Romney) is responsible for shaping the GOP’s official messaging and strategy through the 2020 elections.  We should hire Tony Robbins or similar.  Find contenders that are young, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian or black smart, ethical, and charismatic speakers with no ugly skeleton in the closet.  I'd start grabbing smart leaders from the reservations who could be super educated and groomed!

Hopefully, Ronna is mentoring the contenders or has people doing the job.  Plus, finding contenders for people like Dianne Feinstein.  Why have we ignored that district?  RNC  phone number:                   +1 202-863-8500    Fax Number: 512.480.0709     Email: ecampaign@gop.com

Why not call, fax or send email now to RNC?  Tell Ronna that you expect to see great election results that of course reflect on her.  What about Mitt?  What about Soros voting machine and voting dead people fraud?  Each State should get a huge fine and Governors need jail time if any party is caught voter cheating/fraud.

Message to House and Senate from we the people:  Let’s review what’s expected.  Reaching a true compromise is never easy. It requires us to think beyond our own interests and consider others' feelings, intentions, and goals.   DEMs need to stop being selfish, poor losers and gain respect by using your compromise and negotiating skills.

Susan Collins Maine Senator until 2020- Replacement?