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Kamala would eliminate private insurance ByeBye millions of jobs + VA n Ala election fraud?

WOW! Dems are clueless on using ethics.  Auntie Kamala getting Soros money in defense of Jossie Smolett - Timeline   So much for using hoax to get higher salary on "Empire" - Smolett will not rejoin the cast; he's been written out.

The out-of-touch, delusional must stay away from politics .. .

Speaking of lack of ethics, what about election fraud alive and well in Kentucky - Gov race - Bevin wants review of vote totals

Willie Herenton lost in Memphis, TN.  by many, many votes - BUT was it still fraud?

Republicans won both elections in N CarolinA -- See Pres. Trump do the WINNER DANCE

Virginia was a disaster in terms of DEM cheating.  
Why has VA evidently turned blue?

The white, college-educated, indoctrinated women, voters who worry about health care, and Virginians who said that they strongly disapprove of Trump politics matter a great deal in VA politics.

Meantime, the Republican base has shrunk to just 31 percent of the electorate, a new low in the party’s voting strength.

Another strategic factor is the wide political division between heavily Democratic Northern Virginia and the rest of the state that is largely rural and still generally more conservative.

In the last two decades or so, there’s been a significant migration from the Washington metropolitan urban areas into Northern Virginia, including many minorities who have moved up the income scale and transformed its politics by making the state more Democratic.

Prince William County, for example, has more minorities than whites. In upper income Loudoun County, the white population has declined by almost 30 percent since 2000, while Asians are its largest minority group, making up 17 percent of the county.

The state’s growing diversity was a major factor helping to elect Justin Fairfax as lieutenant governor, the first African American to win a statewide election in Virginia since L. Douglas Wilder won the governorship in 1989.

 Topics like crime, violent Latino “MS-13” gangs, and sex offender issues don’t make the top five list of the voters’ major concerns.  Bread and butter issues are what matters:  education and children's issues, schools, roads,  and wages.

               Roy Moore (R) in Alabama says that vote was too close, so a recount is needed being that Alabama is known for fraud

Soros voting machine fraud has been reported in half dozen states.
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