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Attn Cali: vote out Adam Schiff in 2020

What does Schiff believe in - Censorship, of course

 What Else?

Pres Trump homeless iniative!

Dirt on Schiff - here     AND what about his organized CRIME family?

Make no mistake - this family is dangerous.

Do you live in this district or maybe not and want to help get him voted out, then do something?  What?  Get worker bees from Craigs List for Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena etc.
talk to people & pass out info flyers to those interested
grocery stores, parks etc.
They can advertise for your Webinar - Eric Early events
Find out the concerns of people in that district & hammer those soft spots

Use your group of Craigs list helpers. Do not heckle Adam at whatever forum he attempts - ask pointed questions and let him evade or answer and dig big hole.  Your goal is to make him look sleazy and dumb.  Be sure and dress like a snowflake i.e. pink vagina hats.

DEMs love emotion, so cry - tell a story and ask i.e.  My husband is a trucker and he says some of the roads he cruises just are not safe anymore.  I'm so scared for him - Cry a River NOW --  Do you see passing the infrastructure bill anytime soon?  Waiting could get my husband killed. Sob Sob  I'm sure business owners want their goods on time, right?  sob sob  Why are you waiting so long to even try to pass it?

Why is it hard for a Republican to win in Calif?  One reason is that the film industry and the shipping industry quickly unionized and grew powerful in the state. 

These labor unions attracted many social democrats, who quickly populated the state and ingratiated California with liberal values for generations to come.

Republicans also admit that they were vastly out-spent by Democrats during last year’s midterms, with Democrats spending $34.6 million on Cisneros’ campaign alone. The GOP, on the other hand, spent a total of $16 million in the four races in Orange County.

“We’re making sure we can narrow that gap for this election,” said Randall Avila, the RPOC’s executive director.

The 28th district Stretches from West Hollywood to the eastern border of Pasadena, and from Echo Park to the Angeles National Forest.

68% White     28% Hispanic   Remaining mixed with Asian and Black  About 40% are foreign born and college educated

Homelessness and crime has skyrocketed with Schiff doing nothing.  Time for a change.

Once again Randy Quaid might run!
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