Hello friend, at the top you will find the nav bar - plz notice the contact your politician + Important sites - so cool. Now, please look to far right. See TABLE OF CONTENTS. Each category has many choice videos with some articles here and there. At the bottom do not miss the game and art selection.Enjoy

Hunter Biden Ukraine scandal NOT fixed

What's the Ukraine scandal all about?

The nut of it all:  Why did Hunter get hired?

Just how unethical is it all anyway?


Bill Bar not investigating?  One possible reason.  Remember, Hillary kills.

Another reason.   Mark Levin is calling for a Special Council - why?

Ukraine is now investigating, but what about the USA?  Senator Ron Johnson has put subpoenas on hold temporarily.  Click  So we still have the Senate doing an investigation.  Send your emails/calls to Ron Johnson encouraging him to continue with pressure and enthusiasm.  Easy peasy contact info

NOW WHAT - 2021 ---- $$$$ going to Ukraine - WHAT

Did you hear about the odd Jerk Joe stance on guns being that Hunter owned a gun while addicted - totally illegal.

Did you hear about Hunter and the China sellout scandal?

Hunter and sex abuse to minors - info

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