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Attn Cali: Vote out Pelosi in 2020

Old abuse never punnished:  Pelosi used Air Force aircraft to travel back to her district at an average cost of $28,210.51 per flight.  Taxpayer money.  

There may have been a personal reason for Pelosi to steer billions of dollars in taxpayer money towards light-rail development in her hometown of San Francisco.

Nancy wants to dictate.  Why don't DEMs get it.  The Pres. is the one who dictates, fires people, sets his own policy etc.

Sex scandal cover up - what?    another cover up - what?    What about brother-in Law -what?

Pelosi son with Hunter Biden in Ukraine scandal - yep     What about Pelosi husband - what?

Sex site Backpage.com and Pelosi - what?      10 reasons she is toxic waste - what?

Here's what's wrong with the Commie Dem party nowadays - hear rant on video

Will he win against Pelosi?   12th congressional district - Her district is full of very rich people, who vote for her.  But yet typically don’t walk the walk.  They established a gofundme account to oppose the establishment of a homeless shelter in their neighborhood.

If you want to be part of the vote Pelosi out movement, then do it and don't hesitate.  Do you know anything about Podcasts for iPod, iPad, iPhone Downloads From iTunes?  If so, get workers bees from Craigs list to blanket the district with info about your podcast.  Blast all the Pelosi corruption  vs  honesty, ethics of John Dennis.  You do have enough time, so go ahead and blast info about Calif liberal agenda and consequences.

Use your group of Craigs list helpers. Do not heckle  Pelosi at whatever forum she attempts - ask pointed questions and let her evade or answer and dig big hole.  Your goal is to make her look sleazy and dumb.  Be sure and dress like a snowflake i.e. pink vagina hats.

DEMs love emotion, so cry - tell a story and ask i.e.  I am a College educated man.  My salary is fine, but I have to do freelance to make ends meet.  Cry like a river-NOW  I am mad as hell that you people in Washington don't seem to care about me.  Sob SOb  Would you vote YES and pass a bill that raised our taxes?  Sob Sob  Making it even harder for me to pay my bills?

Another reason Republicans have a hard time winning in California is the Democratic political infrastructure.

A generation of Democratic politicians has created a vast network of voter outreach and activism in the state.

As a result, the Democrats have won California in every Presidential election since 1992 and every Senate race since 1992.

Top Republican leaders in the state said that while they were aware of the change in the law, they were surprised by how successfully Democrats were able to use the practice of ballot harvesting to their advantage in 2018.

“We’re going to have to take advantage of this ourselves,” Jim Righeimer, the former Republican mayor of Costa Mesa, Calif. and a leading voice in the state GOP said.

To attract Latino voters the party needs to move away from focusing on national issues and instead make the race about what matters to voters locally.

Not depending on Calif . . .So, if Republicans take back those 13 House seats from Democrats in districts that Trump won by more than six percent, and seven more from the remaining 18 districts that Democrats represent that Trump won—while holding what they currently have—or find some other way to net gain 20 seats, they can retake the House majority in 2020.

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