Hello friend, at the top you will find the nav bar - plz notice the contact your politician + Important sites - so cool. Now, please look to far right. See TABLE OF CONTENTS. Each category has many choice videos with some articles here and there. At the bottom do not miss the game and art selection.Enjoy

Attn Cali: Vote out Maxine Waters in 2020

What do you think of helping husband using House influence?

Waters on Finance Committee - what a joke

Waters loves Pay for Play - What?  Genius how DEMs rip off us taxpayers

What about daughter getting campaign funds for doing dubious work?

Why not use internet pop-up windows and email to inform people in her district of
this corruption?  What about filthiness and crime in her district?  She doesn't live in
the district and could care less.  See district - who out there wants to tackle the job?
You can recruit worker bees through Craigs List

Use your group of Craigs list helpers. Do not heckle Waters at whatever forum she attempts - ask pointed questions and let her evade or answer and dig big hole.  Your goal is to make her look sleazy and dumb.  Be sure and dress like a snowflake i.e. pink vagina hats.

I know this works - cry - tell a story and ask - make it super emotional i.e.  I have a nephew that died recently from overdose - cry a river NOW - he got the drugs from a kid at school.  I don't want my kids going to a drug infested public school.  Will you be passing the school voucher program anytime soon?  We need vouchers for everybody, not just low income.

This one also works - don't forget to cry - another person on your team could say . . .  I have relatives in Ohio and they're having a real hard time.  - cry a river NOW - planting the seeds and watching them grow is so rewarding - sob sob - They need to sell their crop before it rots - sob sob - do you see passing the farmers bill anytime soon?

Who is contender Joe Colins III, a Navy Vet?  

Our contenders are great, but voter fraud is real.  What are we doing about it?

Another reason Republicans have a hard time winning in California today is the state’s demographics.

California is currently 73% white, 6.5% African American, and 14.7% Asian. Furthermore, approximately 38% of the state identifies as Hispanic or Latino.

Minority populations tend to lean Democrat, so their overrepresentation in California, plus the liberal white voters in the state, make it almost impossible for Republicans to win elected office.

Besides fundraising, Democrats also outpaced their Republican rivals in 2018 when it came to employing the controversial method known as ballot harvesting - it's now legal in Calif.

Did you know Maxine is the expert on housing - here

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